

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

kenya Outsourcing Services

Kenya continues to gain more ground as an outsourcing hub with more and more outsourcing service providers entering the sector. Besides business process outsourcing (BPO , automated data processing and voice transcribing which were among the early services that Kenya Outsourcing Sector embraced, Payroll Outsourcing is now gaining root with at least 6 data procession and Human Resource Outsourcing companies offering payroll outsourcing to local and regional companies. The main target has been multinational companies setting base in Kenya with limited local processing hence outsourcing most of their Human Resource services. The Outsourced Payroll providers are offering a banquet of benefits to their clients as they try to offer attractive packages. Among the new entrants in outsourced payroll services is Career Options Africa which through a specialized section of its Human Resource Outsourcing Division has opened a modern data center at Juliet Towers, Ngong Road. The Data center with state of the art computer hardware and software is offering the following services;
 - See more at: Kenya Outsourcing Services

Kenya HR Outsourcing Services

Kenya continues to gain more ground as an outsourcing hub with more and more outsourcing service providers entering the sector. Besides business process outsourcing (BPO , automated data processing and voice transcribing which were among the early services that Kenya Outsourcing Sector embraced, Payroll Outsourcing is now gaining root with at least 6 data procession and Human Resource Outsourcing companies offering payroll outsourcing to local and regional companies. The main target has been multinational companies setting base in Kenya with limited local processing hence outsourcing most of their Human Resource services. The Outsourced Payroll providers are offering a banquet of benefits to their clients as they try to offer attractive packages. Among the new entrants in outsourced payroll services is Career Options Africa which through a specialized section of its Human Resource Outsourcing Division has opened a modern data center at Juliet Towers, Ngong Road. The Data center with state of the art computer hardware and software is offering the following services;
 - See more at: HR Outsourcing Services in Kenya

Requirements for a Kenyan visa

Kenya’s economy  growth and favorable  political  conditions  have continued  to attract more foreigners  into  the country.  Although  most  of these  come  as visitors,a good proportion  of them tend to stay  in  the  country  for months  or even  years.  Apart from  people  coming  into  the  country from  other  East  African  countries,  it  is  a requirement that  immigrants  must  have  relevant  VISAs, permits and passes are also needed  for foreigners  who want  to visit,  work, or invest  in  the country.
To help  potential  immigrants  we explore  these documents, how  to apply  for them  and  the Kenya Government  requirements
i. Ordinary visa (multiple or single entry): Issued  to foreigners  from  countries  that require  a visa  to enter  Kenya for  residence  or visit.
ii. Transit  visa: Issued  to individuals  from  countries  whose  nationalities  need a visa  to travel  through  Kenya
iii. Diplomatic visa (multiple or single entry): This  is  a visa  for  diplomatic  passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
iv. Courtesy/Official  Visa: The  visa  is given to holders  of  official  pass port and ordinary passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
- See more at:
Kenya’s economy  growth and favorable  political  conditions  have continued  to attract more foreigners  into  the country.  Although  most  of these  come  as visitors,a good proportion  of them tend to stay  in  the  country  for months  or even  years.  Apart from  people  coming  into  the  country from  other  East  African  countries,  it  is  a requirement that  immigrants  must  have  relevant  VISAs, permits and passes are also needed  for foreigners  who want  to visit,  work, or invest  in  the country.
To help  potential  immigrants  we explore  these documents, how  to apply  for them  and  the Kenya Government  requirements
i. Ordinary visa (multiple or single entry): Issued  to foreigners  from  countries  that require  a visa  to enter  Kenya for  residence  or visit.
ii. Transit  visa: Issued  to individuals  from  countries  whose  nationalities  need a visa  to travel  through  Kenya
iii. Diplomatic visa (multiple or single entry): This  is  a visa  for  diplomatic  passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
iv. Courtesy/Official  Visa: The  visa  is given to holders  of  official  pass port and ordinary passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
- See more at:
Kenya’s economy  growth and favorable  political  conditions  have continued  to attract more foreigners  into  the country.  Although  most  of these  come  as visitors,a good proportion  of them tend to stay  in  the  country  for months  or even  years.  Apart from  people  coming  into  the  country from  other  East  African  countries,  it  is  a requirement that  immigrants  must  have  relevant  VISAs, permits and passes are also needed  for foreigners  who want  to visit,  work, or invest  in  the country.
To help  potential  immigrants  we explore  these documents, how  to apply  for them  and  the Kenya Government  requirements
i. Ordinary visa (multiple or single entry): Issued  to foreigners  from  countries  that require  a visa  to enter  Kenya for  residence  or visit.
ii. Transit  visa: Issued  to individuals  from  countries  whose  nationalities  need a visa  to travel  through  Kenya
iii. Diplomatic visa (multiple or single entry): This  is  a visa  for  diplomatic  passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
iv. Courtesy/Official  Visa: The  visa  is given to holders  of  official  pass port and ordinary passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
- See more at:
Kenya’s economy  growth and favorable  political  conditions  have continued  to attract more foreigners  into  the country.  Although  most  of these  come  as visitors,a good proportion  of them tend to stay  in  the  country  for months  or even  years.  Apart from  people  coming  into  the  country from  other  East  African  countries,  it  is  a requirement that  immigrants  must  have  relevant  VISAs, permits and passes are also needed  for foreigners  who want  to visit,  work, or invest  in  the country.
To help  potential  immigrants  we explore  these documents, how  to apply  for them  and  the Kenya Government  requirements

i. Ordinary visa (multiple or single entry): Issued  to foreigners  from  countries  that require  a visa  to enter  Kenya for  residence  or visit.
ii. Transit  visa: Issued  to individuals  from  countries  whose  nationalities  need a visa  to travel  through  Kenya
iii. Diplomatic visa (multiple or single entry): This  is  a visa  for  diplomatic  passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
iv. Courtesy/Official  Visa: The  visa  is given to holders  of  official  pass port and ordinary passport holders  who  are on official  duties.

Kenya’s economy  growth and favorable  political  conditions  have continued  to attract more foreigners  into  the country.  Although  most  of these  come  as visitors,a good proportion  of them tend to stay  in  the  country  for months  or even  years.  Apart from  people  coming  into  the  country from  other  East  African  countries,  it  is  a requirement that  immigrants  must  have  relevant  VISAs, permits and passes are also needed  for foreigners  who want  to visit,  work, or invest  in  the country.
To help  potential  immigrants  we explore  these documents, how  to apply  for them  and  the Kenya Government  requirements
i. Ordinary visa (multiple or single entry): Issued  to foreigners  from  countries  that require  a visa  to enter  Kenya for  residence  or visit.
ii. Transit  visa: Issued  to individuals  from  countries  whose  nationalities  need a visa  to travel  through  Kenya
iii. Diplomatic visa (multiple or single entry): This  is  a visa  for  diplomatic  passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
iv. Courtesy/Official  Visa: The  visa  is given to holders  of  official  pass port and ordinary passport holders  who  are on official  duties.
- See more at:
. - See more at: HR Services Kenya


The article explains our assessment center Assessment Center-Based Recruitment & Selection

What is Assessment Center Recruitment?
It’s a method of evaluating candidates through multiple standardized evaluation techniques under controlled conditions as prescribed by the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ASSESSMENT CENTER.
Assessment Center recruitment offers a comprehensive evaluation approach that allows candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their competencies in a number of different situations.
It focuses on evaluating actual or potential managerial, leadership and technical competencies.
Career Options Africa Ltd Assessment Center system for executive Selection
Our Assessment Center recruitment process has 2 main stages;
1) Competence mapping and competence based short listing
Core competencies ideal for effective job performance and team roles are mapped as per best practice, guided by internationally accepted competence definitions for applicable industry and sector. The employer has a benefit of a newly updated and competence based job profile (Job Description).
Using competence based short listing and preliminary interviews; the best candidates are selected and invited for the assessment center. We recommend that the applications be completed on a specific application form.
2) Assessment Center for Short listed candidates
Our short listed candidates are taken through the assessment center. Our assessment center has three main stages namely;
The Candidates seat for a set of Tests including Psychometric and Aptitude tests selected to suit the skills set for the target job.
Psychometric tests test a candidates psychological fit for the job while aptitude tests measuret a candidate career and personality orientation towards or away from the target job;
Our range of psychometric tests includes;
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • Numeric reasoning test
  • Abstract reasoning test
  • Inductive reasoning test
  • Logical reasoning test
  • Mechanical
Our range of aptitude tests includes;
  • Personality tests
  • Career orientation test e.g. Sales Orientation test
  • Leadership test
For the full range of methods used in each stage and our assessment center procedure, please contact us
Why Career Options Assessment Center
Candidate information

  • Our assessment Center provides more information about the candidate’s probable success on the job than any other recruitment method.
  • Accountability and transparency
  • Our Assessment Center offers the most transparent recruitment method.
  • The assessment process produces accurate comprehensive records and justification on why a candidate was successful or unsuccessful.
Employee early development needs
Our Assessment Center provides early warnings on particular areas of mismatch between the individual and the job for early remedial measures.
You may call us for;
Full recruitment process
Selection (Assessment Center) only
Training your recruitment team on Assessment Center approach
Design of assessment tools for your own in house Assessment Center
- See more at: human-resource-staff-recruitment-services-kenya-tanzania