

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What is a Domain Name

According to Wikipedia “A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control on the Internet. In layman speak, a domain is an internet address that you own to define you or your organization. For example, is a name that takes you to the KCB Bank Group website.
A domain name can be compared to a business name on the website and there fore before we look at the domain name in detail let us look at a business name. A business name can be descriptive e.g. Jims Green Grocery which would probably be a green grocery owned by Jim. A business name can also be non-descriptive without any apparently clear meaning. For example LG. The advantage of a descriptive name is that the public can determine your line of business from its name.  The disadvantage is that when you want to change the business line or its area of operation, you may have to change the name also.  A non descriptive name has the advantage of allowing you to brand it any way you like. It also allows you maintain a wide variety of interests in different markets under the same name.
Back to the domain name. Just like a business name, a domain name will be designed similar to the  business or organization represented.  In this manner KCB Banking Group will select a domain that is as similar as possible to their KCB Brand.  The choice of suffix to use depends on the type of image an organization or individual would like to portray to the world.
The .com domain which is the most widely used denotes a commercial enterprise and is the most expensive type of domain name to get.
The .org domain is used by non governmental organizations churches  and united nations organizations.
The .edu domain is used by educational institutions.
There are also country domains e.g . .ke which is the Kenya  country domain.  Previously the suffixes were limited to three letters but the body overseeing the internet has already allowed the use of longer names in the suffix. E.g. .Africa . Just like a business name, a domain can speak volumes about an organization or individual and hence think carefully about the image you want to portray before choosing  a domain name and its suffix.

Web Hosting Kenya

How secure a website actually is

A lot of movies portray hackers as people who can access your information from any database in the world through a simple computer and that your data is therefore not secure however we know more on this. The Kenya Police account was at one time hacked and people at once assumed that it was refined programming skills and an exceptional intellect that did the job, however as further investigations were carried out it was shown that it was their own fault for leaving it unsecured. In the IT world, having the administrator’s login name as admin and the password as password is the same as not putting any security measures. So, some things that others must know:

1.)    Not all data is accessible
Even if you can hack into a website due to the laziness of the programmer who could not set up a semi-decent password, not all of an organization’s data can be accessed from a website. You might be able to deface the homepage and alter them from the safety of your anonymous location, but you can’t access documents. For that you would have to go to within their servers which are probably in their offices in which case you are more James Bond than computer expert. Even the famous Wikileaks scandal where classified files were released by Julian Assange was an inside job courtesy of military officer Bradley Manning who gave him those files from inside the organization.

2.)    Phishing is the real threat
Phishing is done by retrieving peoples personal information by installing applications on their computers that record their keystrokes. Most spyware of this kind is got through illegal downloads, you might have come accross sites that offer you free software and while dowloanding the software it comes loaded or where you want to accces some document and you are instead redireted to another site to download an application of theirs first. Once you do so every time you connect to the internet the application sends your information to their intended party.

3.)    It can be done on any computer
There are applications out there that are used to break into websites and secure sites and are usually applied by professional white hat hackers who are paid to look for weaknesses in companies firewalls. These applications however do not run on average computers easily. The requirements are so high that for it to be successful it would mean that somebody has invested both time and money specifically to bring you down. Even then, such programs push the most powerful desktops to their limit, as I said hacking is not easy. The worst as individual can do is to crash your site by overloading its servers which we will discuss next time.
Register your Business online today

email for your Business

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Bread and Butter of SEO is Content

  • Now if you own a website and your business is classified as an SME then you had better read this section so that next time you sit with your designer you will ensure that he/she incorporates this.
  • Every web page or online article has a shelf life and here I am talking about the content not the look and feel which can generally stay the same for a long time. Content must change on a regular basis. Search engines love fresh content they visit millions of websites daily just looking for updates, changes and additions. A content management application can sort you out making it easy to update your site daily with only basic word processing skills. But you need to be careful, only go for a search engine friendly content management system. This brings me to the next important aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) which is content enrichment.
  • Search engines tend to reward websites that have rich content on their areas of specialization. This means that your site is an authority in that area or a key resource and hence should get priority on the results page also providing information that is timely, relevant and detailed helps to convert visitors. Hence that 5 page website will not get you very far at all. I recently came across five websites in the travel industry that have the exact same content in-fact they were exact copies the only difference being  the company logo and the colours used. This usually tends to occur when web designers offer to do all the content on behalf of the client with no input from the client. As far as I am concerned a webmaster should at least ask for some draft content for your website. Duplicate information is an absolute no go. Imagine a scenario where you go to Google and search for “Kenya Historical Sites” and the first 20 websites to be listed have the exact same content word for word and you ran a similar search for other words and the first 20 websites again give the exact same content with time you will look for another more reliable search engine. Hence a search engine would like to give it’s users the best possible results and ideally only one of the five duplicate sites would be listed.
  • Code enrichment are small details that are put behind the site or what a visitor to the site normally does not see but search engines do. These include page titles, descriptions and keywords. They are small details but extremely important. Lets just say that with out them you are going nowhere. Many times I see pages without titles or with titles that mean nothing at all e.g home.
  • Links are another important aspect. This is when another authoritative website links to your site. This is very similar to when a book is reviewed and a well known personality or publication recommends it. It is likely to be view as popular. The same is true for websites. When other popular websites recommend it by linking to it then it enhances its importance to everyone online including search engines. Here requests must be sent to other websites asking them to list you. Businesses that have  already worked on optimizing their pages will be reluctant to have to link to a website that has not incorporated any optimization again this is like an excellent book on strategy that has a review on a tabloid it sort off lowers its rating as opposed to increasing its rating.
  • Today a website is becoming more popular than a telephone directory and other than just fulfilling a public expectation it is also an important communication tool that can help businesses increase their profits. And if people do not find your website online then they will definitely find your competitor.
  • Finally incorporation with social media is a must do it provides a instant connection to your customer through tweets, posts and likes
Search Engine Optimization Services Kenya

Google chrome marking sites as ‘Not Secure’

Did you know starting July 2018, Google chrome and other browsers shall be marking all websites without a secure connection as “Not Secure,” which could cost your website visitors and customers.

What is an SSL Certificate?
SSL creates an encrypted connection between your website and your visitors’ web browser allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering and message forgery.
With our SSL Certificate your website shall be marked as secure using either a green padlock icon or https URL.
Enable ‘HTTPS’ on your website using our SSL-Certficate. Our SSL Certificate will:
  • Secure credit card transactions, emails data transfer and logins for customers.
  • Protect your online shopping transactions from fraudsters
  • Protect your website information to help keep it safe.
  • Boost your site’s trustworthiness and gain visitors’ trust.
  • Boost your website position on Google search engine ranking. There shall be high chances of appearing on the first page depending on the keywords used.

Secure your website connection today by subscribing to an SSL Certificate Kenya package charged on yearly basis.
If you do not currently have an SSL-Certificate
Place your order here

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The difference between an inexperienced and experienced Website developer

We have previously discussed the mistakes that people make when planning their websites including the demand for over the top site and too many images on a single page. Today we look at the next level of mistakes albeit not their fault. These are the mistakes you will see when you decide to take your site to a semi-professional, someone who knows how to code but hasn’t done it enough to know the rules, those that can be bent and those that can be broken. For those who always find that cheap is expensive, look out for:
1.)    Multiple fonts.
Fonts are the website’s handwriting and just as you can tell something about an individual from their writing, the font also speaks volumes about the designer and you, the client. Times New Roman is a decent font, easy on the eyes, legible, so are Calibri, Arial and even Cambria. You can’t however put all three or even four of them on one page and then wonder why people don’t rate your site highly. This is not an MS package course where you must demonstrate that you know how to change the font size, shape and texture to earn a good grade. Pick one and be satisfied. I would have liked to display the multi font effect here however the site admin forces all articles and posts to pick the default theme causing uniformity
2.)    Too many Colours
There are two mistakes made here: one is those who discover you can change font colour, highlight it, and those who fiddle around with background colours. Wachaneni nazo! This is not the rainbow nation that Mandela fought for. The biggest culprits of the former are those designers who think that it’s cool to change the colours of links so that after you click on them they change colour, and of the latter we are looking at you Mr. I need my flowing text to look flashy. If you want colours play a bit here and there with the padding or title but even then be careful.
3.)    Advertisements
Tamaa iliua fisi na ndio itaua site admin. The advertisements are great for revenue but too many of them especially irrelevant ones make it annoying for visitors especially those who are focussed on the core business. I might visit your site to learn how I can lose weight without pills, diets, exercise or prayers, why do I have to learn how I can get my MBA online, how to turn myself into a virile stallion and that I might win an I-phone if I shoot the duck? Yes, they do earn the site money but according to this business tip 101 that I just clicked on they can create distractions and make you lose out in the long run. I’d explain further, but I’m the 100000th visitor on another site, I might have won a million dollars. Money has called, if you have more questions ask the Kenya Website Developers.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Things to note about domain renewal

Did you know if you lose your domain name you can easily lose your whole online identity? This is because you can only register a domain name for a year or so, you will need to make sure that you renew it before the expiry date. Once your domain name expires, you will no longer own that domain name. Your Registrar will then own it and be able to sell your domain name to the highest bidder.
To make sure you don’t lose your domain name you will need to make sure you renew your domain name at least two weeks before it expires.

Domain Renewal Services Kenya

Payroll Made Easy

Recently i met an accountant who was complaining to me about processing payroll and how he has 12 excel sheets that he needs to update monthly, each with 500+ staff names, first there was the Paye sheet, then the NSSF, NHIF, HELB, SACCO contributions list, Loan Repayment list, Salary advance list, etc. His main problem being errors made on some of the reports and how seeking refunds for the over payments was a lengthy affair, while on the other hand under payments attracted penalties and his boss was now threatening him if he did not make an improvement.
I asked him if he had tried any payroll software to at least automate routine tasks and just print payslips and he had not.
I quickly took it upon myself to introduce Quick Payroll and after using it for only two days feeding in initial data and processing the first salary with it and he says it took less time compared to the excel worksheets he had and had fewer errors. I cannot wait until he works on it the second month since it will take less than an hour to do it.
You too can experience peace of mind like my accountant friend!
Payroll Software Kenya

A business that I started from home and has continued to thrive even during the hard economic times

A business that I started from home and has continued to thrive even during the hard economic times: Selling domain names, hosting space and designing websites is not the regular business women opt to start. One there is some learning you need go through before you can confidently…

Website Service Providers

The advantage of a domain over dot com domain.

The choice of a domain name is a serious consideration for any one selecting a domain name. Normally the choice of a name would be synonymous with the organization name. But what about the suffix? Is there any advantage in having a domain over a .com domain. The answer to this question is that, sometimes having a domain has certain advantages over a .com domain or a .net domain.

The first advantage of a domain is that it is a localized domain and hence gives some assurance that the organization encountered online is registered in Kenya and can be located in Kenya. This is a major advantage particularly in online business because it gives the assurance that the organization contacted has a presence in the country it is operating in. A .com domain does not give that assurance because most .com domains are located in the United States and Canada and the orgranisation represented could be anywhere in the world.

Another major advantage of a domain is localization of content and tapping into the patriotic feelings of customers and clients. This can be particularly assuring in service industries where buyers would tend to want to purchase from local suppliers as they are able to form a working relationship with them and to develop their supply chain with a local firm. Having a local domain name is a great way to tap into clients patriotism and ride that wave to success.
A more technical reason for having a local domain , is the ability to track and monitor user activity on your website by having localized domains for each country of operation. This applies more to a large organization operating in more than one country. For such an organisation it would be advantageous to host local domains for each country of operation so as to keep a tab on visitors to the site. Having several domains for each country is a sure way to collect such information and keep track of visitors to a site.

Another technical reason to acquire a domain is search results. Many search engines including Google will rank a country domain higher than a .com domain of the same name all other factors being constant. As such, a search for the company Cheki will rank higher than making it easier to spot online.
Finally the domain is managed by a local organization and hence by choosing to use it one is essentially building their own country. Just like the slogan buy Kenya and Build Kenya, buy and build Kenya.

Website Design Services Kenya

Tips to Make your Website Popular

You have invested a lot and finally got that website that you really wanted. Its design is just what you wanted and the colour scheme fits exactly what you specified. The only problem is people are just not visiting it.  It is now a cost centre instead of a revenue center that it should be. So how do you get more people to visit your website. See tips on how to make your website popular below.

Tip 1.-Optimize your website.  
Many people who are not technically inclined do not know that a website can be optimized for search engine location. This means it is possible to build certain features into your website so that when a google search is performed, your website ranks high on the listing. Search Engine Optimization normally referred to as SEO is a task done by the website builder and requires you to have certain input such as. Who is your target market? What key words are potential clients likely to use when searching for your services online.  As you do this its worth remembering that a website that is very well optimized will have very high rankings, which will result in plenty of new visitors to your website. You better be ready for that.

Tip 2. -Add social media sharing buttons to your website.
One of the best ways to market your website is to make it easy for users to share your content. To do this you should add social media buttons to all pages and products that you would like spread virally.  This is especially so for articles in your blog or information portal that would be interesting to other people.

Tip 3 Ensure that your information portal is of high standard.
Good content markets itself. People visit the internet for information and when that information comes from a website and not Wikipedia it is even better as it makes your site an authority in a certain topic. When you put the effort into building and promoting informative articles, the natural result is more traffic to your website via shares and referrals.

Tip 4 -Eliminate website errors.
If the search engines aren’t able to index your website properly you are probably not  receiving all the search traffic you should be. To check if this is the problem you need to consult a professional or if you are technically inclined check you google webmaster tool for common errors.

Tip 5 - Comment on other posts and websites . 
Leaving valuable comments on other websites’ blogs can be a great way to build traffic back to your own site.  Most people like to know who has followed them and so a good way to make them follow you is to follow them.

Tip 6 – Market on other websites.
There are some websites that are very popular and attract a great number of visitors due to the nature of information they carry. News portals fall in this group and so just like you would, place adds on the news portals that may be visited by your potential client. This should attract a large number of people to your site.

Tip 7 - Maintain an Information Centre.
Maintaining an industry relevant information center, you are able to attract a large number of people who want to update themselves with the latest trends in the industry.  An example of how to maintain an information centre is a hotel that keeps its clients updated with the latest tourist offerings in its vicinity and information pertaining to visiting that area. This will make readers check the site from time to learn to get the latest information on the are and keep in tune with the hotel.

Website Designers Kenya
Domain Registration Kenya

Email Management

The IT landscape is changing at an amazing speed and even techies have to struggle  to keep up with the change.  In the large corporate sector, IT managers undergo  constant training to enable them to keep abreast with the change but for the small business sector, many have to do it themselves. It is for this sector that we have  compiled an article on the most important system for any small business manager – Email Management

Business managers are very busy people and  a manager for a small business is even busier than your average person. For this reason, the most important IT system for a small business manager is a modern portable device and a unified mail system that can manage multiple accounts.   This system will enable the manager keep abreast with multiple tasks and multiple projects from a single console.
A communication system like this will require both hardware and software and for the hardware, an ipad or tablet device is ideal as it is small enough to be carried around and big enough to read text clearly. Armed with such a device, the next most important thing is to identify a mail system that works on the device and can be used to converge multiple email addresses e.g. gmail, yahoo mail and your official business mail. Having all this in one place is a sure guarantee that you are totally updated on all that is going on within your business world and in your personal life.
Some mail systems that you can use include ,

K-9 is one of the most popular non-Gmail email clients on Android, and with good reason. It is a community-driven, open source project that is constantly being improved. The most striking feature of K-9 is that, it is designed with Gmail in mind. That means that non-Gmail accounts you add will gain a few interesting features and have a gmail look and feel. If you are used to Gmail this is a good application to have and because it is free, you do not need to spend money on the software itself . Some features of K-9 are, it has a Unified Inbox well placed at the top,  a folder that holds all your messages read or not and a search tool that makes the app perfect for searching. There is support for Exchange 2003 and 2007, but it lacks many of the features IT departments require which  makes it unsuitable for large organizations that require more security in mail configuration.  K-9 Mail is free and manages email well.

Touchdown (Exchange) for Android
If you need a full-featured Exchange solution for Android, then Touchdown is what you need. It has full support for Microsoft Activesync and Exchange Web Services. That means that not only can you get your email pushed down, but your calendar, contacts, and tasks as well.
These are features that are required in many IT departments .  In addition, It supports PIN lock, device wipe, encryption, and remote administration. Interestingly, if your employer has to remote wipe the enterprise data, it won’t affect the rest of the phone.
The user interface in Touchdown is a little complex, particularly in the calendar app. There are a lot of gradients and too many buttons. The  app has been designed to support enterprise features and is a good tool for larger organizations with more complex systems that require more features.  . There is a 30 day free trial, but after that, a Touchdown license will cost USD 20. Definitely worth it if you can afford.

This app is written from the ground up to be a complete replacement mail application  that can handle Gmail and other email accounts very well. MailDroid is one of the older unified mail systems and has been improving its appearance over time.
Rather than bring Gmail-style features in, MailDroid approximates the important ones, and then emphasizes general email features and a solid interface. The main screen in MailDroid lists your accounts, and has a unified inbox as well. There is also a Bookmarks section that links to Drafts, Outbox, and Sent folders.
Search is handled easily and one key feature of Maildroid is that when you receive mail, MailDroid will cache the headers on the SD card. After a time, it will cycle the older ones out. Similarly, if you want to compose mail with a poor internet connection , or even no connection, MailDroid won’t trouble you. Mail that can’t be sent lives in the outbox, and you can send it out once you have the connection  again.

Enhanced Email
Another mail application for your android device is Enhanced Email. This is a light-weight custom email client that supports POP/IMAP as well as some features of exchange. The first thing users will notice is that the interface in Enhanced Email is clean, and efficient. The top of the accounts screen has a Combined Inbox for all your accounts, and the individual ones are below. Search is fast in Enhanced Email, and there are soft keys for it throughout the UI. You will be able to manage mail offline with Enhanced Email rather easily. All your messages will queue up in an outbox accessible via link below the combined inbox. When you have a connection , just open the out box  and tap the Send All button to sync up.
No doubt the list above is not exhaustive and some professional help will do so that you can configure your mobile device to handle all your email accounts.  Proper configuration of all your accounts will ensure that you are up to date on all your communication at all times and wherever you are. Definitely this is the most important system for any small business manager.

Domain Registration Kenya

Friday, January 11, 2019

Web Hosting Services

he topic of focus today is web hosting and web hosting services. Web hosting basically involves making ones website accessible via the World Wide Web. It is a very powerful tool for individuals and organisations with the option of storing information, images, video or any other content that one wishes to publish on their website or on the web in general.  A web hosting service is a term used to describe the type of internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.
The companies which provide this service are known as web hosts. They provide space on servers they own for use by their clients and in addition they also provide internet connectivity to their clients. They also provide data centre space and connectivity for clients on servers they do not own.  As a webhost, one is the landlord to a number of websites and one bears the responsibility of providing the address, internet access, customer support, technical support, the storage space and many other hosting services which individuals and small or big businesses will need in order to keep their websites operational.
The field of web hosting has diversified a lot in the present day and the types of web hosting services one can get is numerous. The most fundamental service that a web hosting company provides is the facility where web pages and other files can be uploaded by the protocol F.T.P (File Transfer Protocol) or other web interface. The main characteristic of this type of web hosting is that the files uploaded are done with little or no processing. In most instances it is a free service offered by web hosts. The main problem with this hosting is that it is insufficient for complex sites. If you intend to have a complex website, you will need to have a service that provides database support and also application development platform. These facilities are required to write and install scripts for applications.
If for example your website is based on e-commerce services or services that involve the electronic transfer of money, one will also need to have a security protocol such as Secure Sockets Layer (S.S.L) or Transport Layer Security (T.L.S) so as to secure the data in your web pages due to the sensitive private data such as bank accounts and credit card numbers. Such information may be used maliciously if obtained by the wrong people.
These are just part of the basic facts regarding web hosting services which vary in terms of type and complexity.

4 Things to Consider in Order to Attract Potential Customers Online

Let’s face this, social marketing is a lot of work and acquiring customers online is really difficult and time consuming. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had your online store for years or if you’re getting started, it’s social and anything social takes an investment of effort and skill. It is one of those channels that can be very powerful when you master the art of listening, responding and interacting… or very boring you’ll see no results in the effort put. No matter the challenges, one thing we know for sure is when people want a product or service they go online and search for it.
  1. A professional website. A good advertising tool is your website! Just as it takes seconds to form a first impression of a person, it works the same for websites. Investing in a web appearance distinctly designed to deliver important and relevant information, has statistically shown to improve the visibility and legitimacy of a business hence attracting potential customers online. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal of your website as well as the design will determine whether people will stay and navigate or they’ll leave immediately.
  2. Predominantly, content is key-In fact, all other components (web design) provide a secondary support role. In order to have your intended audience read your page and not your competitor’s, you not only need to post quality photos of your product, you must provide detailed, useful information that a potential customer will search for in the process of making a purchase decision. People today depend a lot on search engines for information about a product, service, company, a cause or a challenge they face. Consequently, if they can’t find content that you’ve produced you’ll be rendered useless. To top on that, having enough quality content will get you high Google ranking hence more traffic will be directed to your website.
  3. Brand Consistency. It can’t be said enough: Customers want to buy from brands they know so that they don’t have to wonder how the experience will be.Brand is mostly reflected in your logo mark and then supported by your messaging (tag line, vision, value, mission e.t.c). When branding, usually one targets a specific group and not everyone. These are the people who value what your organization does, makes and delivers. They care and believe in the promises made through the brand to which they make buying decisions based on their perceptions of brand quality. A major factor in establishing credibility is consistency. Consistency connotes professionalism, purpose and stability. 
  4. Build trust. You already create a sense of trustworthiness by providing useful information and answering questions because then the client is certain you know your product or service over a long period of time. However, other people are slow to trust and will need more.
  • Customer testimonials, what others say about you is easily trusted than what you say about yourself. Share success stories of satisfied customers stating how your product/service has been beneficial to them.
  • Contact information on your website will ensure your client that you run a legitimate business, an email address is not enough. Go an extra mile and include customer care service number, twitter handle, Facebook account user name e.t.c.
  • Showcase social media stats, nowadays one way of gaining trust is literally through online presence.
  • Money back guarantee will go a long way; employ a refund policy just in case your client doesn’t like the product/service.
Hope these tips lead you towards the right direction in acquisition of ‘Potential Customers Online’. Thanks for stopping by.

Domain Registration Kenya

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Quick Payroll has the following advantages over other payroll systems:

  • It’s Very User Friendly
  • It’s Light and Stable hence hardly requires support
  • It’s Very Flexible
  • E-payslips, that is, you can bulk-email the payslips to the respective Employees.
  • You can generate your bank Transfer file for salary payments. 
  • Itax Compatible reports
  • Statutory reports for all government agencies such as NHIF, NSSF, HELB etc
  • and many more benefits
 Quick Payroll is making Payroll Processing in Kenya a as easy as ABC..

Doing Payroll on spreadsheet versus Quick Payroll software

It’s common for businesses to use Excel for payroll, but spreadsheets are often riddled with errors. For people who know how to work with spreadsheets to their full potential, these programs can perform highly complex calculations. But many small businesses forget that it’s a complex application and don’t restrict it to those with expertise. As a result, many organisations use spreadsheets to help with payroll and find it more difficult than they expected. With regulatory compliance such PAYE rates factored in, your business will be susceptible to financial penalties if you don’t move from Excel to proper accounting and payroll software.

You may also hurt the company’s reputation among employees if you continue to use a spreadsheet. There are a few reasons this may happen. One being that there are constant changes to complex regulations and any problems can cause issues between the business and the employee. Another is the fact that spreadsheets do not guarantee reliability. Unlike payroll software, your data will not be automatically backed up if you lose it.

Quick Payroll Software

List of Domain name extensions offered by Softlink Options Limited

Domain extensions are categorized into various categories depending on location, type of business and generic model.Domain extensions which are categorized based on location usually depend on the country location e.g. .ke is a domain which targets the Kenyan market while .ug is a domain used by Uganda citizens &businesses targeting Uganda.

List of Domain Extensions:
.ke, .com, .cc, .us, .army, .org, .music,,, .edu, .church, .mobi, .me, info,, .biz, .net, .news, .wine, .club, .apartments, .app, .army, .associates
The .ke domain is divided into various domain levels. The domain levels can be used for different functions. They include: – for Personal Names –  for Non-Governmental Organisations – for Companies – for Network Devices – for Institutions of Higher Education (Requires supporting documents) – for Secondary and Primary schools (Requires supporting documents) – for Goverment entities (Requires supporting documents) – for Information – for Mobile content
Some .ke Domain levels requires Supporting Documents inorder to be registered
This domain requires supporting documents from the Department of Government IT Services (GITS) at the Ministry of Finance. GITS should give an Authority Letter to show that the Entity is a valid Government institution or Agency and authorized to register the domain name.
Softlink Options will require a copy of the Certificate of Registration from the Ministry of Education. The document MUST also bear the name of the Entity. The document should classify the Entity as a Kindergaten, Primary or Secondary School.
All domains that require supporting documents will generate a ticket that will only be closed by the KENIC Registry Services once the Supporting Documents have been received. Only when the Ticket is closed will the domain be published.
Softlink Options will require either a copy of the Certificate of Registration from the relevant Ministry, a copy of the College Charter or a copy of the Act of Parliament that was passed to establish the Institute. The documents MUST bear the name of the Entity. The document should classify the Entity as a Tertiary Institution: Polytechnic, Technical Institute, College or University.
Check various domain extensions offered by Softlink Options Ltd.

domain registration Kenya

Facts about Domain Renewal

Did you know if you lose your domain name you can easily lose your whole online identity? This is because you can only register a domain name for a year or so, you will need to make sure that you renew it before the expiry date. Once your domain name expires, you will no longer own that domain name. Your Registrar will then own it and be able to sell your domain name to the highest bidder.
To make sure you don’t lose your domain name you will need to make sure you renew your domain name at least two weeks before it expires.

Domain Registration Kenya