

Friday, January 11, 2019

4 Things to Consider in Order to Attract Potential Customers Online

Let’s face this, social marketing is a lot of work and acquiring customers online is really difficult and time consuming. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had your online store for years or if you’re getting started, it’s social and anything social takes an investment of effort and skill. It is one of those channels that can be very powerful when you master the art of listening, responding and interacting… or very boring you’ll see no results in the effort put. No matter the challenges, one thing we know for sure is when people want a product or service they go online and search for it.
  1. A professional website. A good advertising tool is your website! Just as it takes seconds to form a first impression of a person, it works the same for websites. Investing in a web appearance distinctly designed to deliver important and relevant information, has statistically shown to improve the visibility and legitimacy of a business hence attracting potential customers online. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal of your website as well as the design will determine whether people will stay and navigate or they’ll leave immediately.
  2. Predominantly, content is key-In fact, all other components (web design) provide a secondary support role. In order to have your intended audience read your page and not your competitor’s, you not only need to post quality photos of your product, you must provide detailed, useful information that a potential customer will search for in the process of making a purchase decision. People today depend a lot on search engines for information about a product, service, company, a cause or a challenge they face. Consequently, if they can’t find content that you’ve produced you’ll be rendered useless. To top on that, having enough quality content will get you high Google ranking hence more traffic will be directed to your website.
  3. Brand Consistency. It can’t be said enough: Customers want to buy from brands they know so that they don’t have to wonder how the experience will be.Brand is mostly reflected in your logo mark and then supported by your messaging (tag line, vision, value, mission e.t.c). When branding, usually one targets a specific group and not everyone. These are the people who value what your organization does, makes and delivers. They care and believe in the promises made through the brand to which they make buying decisions based on their perceptions of brand quality. A major factor in establishing credibility is consistency. Consistency connotes professionalism, purpose and stability. 
  4. Build trust. You already create a sense of trustworthiness by providing useful information and answering questions because then the client is certain you know your product or service over a long period of time. However, other people are slow to trust and will need more.
  • Customer testimonials, what others say about you is easily trusted than what you say about yourself. Share success stories of satisfied customers stating how your product/service has been beneficial to them.
  • Contact information on your website will ensure your client that you run a legitimate business, an email address is not enough. Go an extra mile and include customer care service number, twitter handle, Facebook account user name e.t.c.
  • Showcase social media stats, nowadays one way of gaining trust is literally through online presence.
  • Money back guarantee will go a long way; employ a refund policy just in case your client doesn’t like the product/service.
Hope these tips lead you towards the right direction in acquisition of ‘Potential Customers Online’. Thanks for stopping by.

Domain Registration Kenya

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